Looking After Your Skin When In Self-Isolation

Looking After Your Skin When In Self-Isolation

The world is going through a major crisis right now due to the coronavirus pandemic. To combat this crisis, most countries are in total lockdown. People are isolating themselves or are self-quarantining. Although this should work, it will still take quite some time for things to go back to normal.

Meanwhile, there is a lot that you can do to make the best use of all the free time. You can learn a new skill, catch up on your hobbies and take care of your health, especially your skin. Staying indoors for long periods of time can lead to skin damage. Fortunately, there are some easy skincare tips that you can follow to look after your skin when in self-isolation.


Remember To Hydrate

When you don’t go out as much, your level of physical activity drops a lot. So, you might subconsciously reduce your water intake as the body no longer demands it as much. However, it’s common knowledge that you should drink at least eight glasses of water every day, no matter what.

After all, our skin is our largest organ and it is mostly made of water. Therefore, it’s vital to keep it replenished by drinking loads of fluids.

Hydration washes out toxins from your body, which keeps your skin fresh and glowing. It also helps slow ageing, clears acne, balances your skin pH levels, tightens your skin and so much more.

If you’re bored with plain water, you can also go for fresh juice!


Moisturise Religiously

Dry skin is a very common skin problem. During times like these, where you need to wash your hands and face frequently, it can become an even bigger issue. In addition to dryness, frequent washing can also lead to irritation and disruption of the outer skin layer.

That is why it is so important to keep moisturising. Applying a moisturizer when your hands or face are still damp is highly recommended. It keeps the moisture trapped in for longer periods of time.

This will help your skin stay younger, fight wrinkles, reduce the appearance of blemishes and will generally keep skin problems away.


Don’t Forget SPF50 Products

You might think that since you are not going out anymore, you don’t need to use SPF50 products now. But that would be wrong. Sure, you might not be as exposed to the sun as you were but it’s effects still reach you.

The UVA rays from the sun penetrate right through your windows. And as you might already know, UVA rays penetrate deep into your skin and cause damage. Just because you’re not burning, doesn’t mean your skin isn’t affected.  They slowly destroy key substances in your skin that give it it’s firmness and elasticity.

Therefore, you should use a product with at least SPF50 rating to protect yourself from all that harm.


Get Ample Sleep

We always complain that the stress of work doesn’t leave enough time for us to get proper sleep. Well, that excuse doesn’t exist anymore. At least for the time being. You can use this time to catch up on all the sleep you have missed.

Getting a good night’s sleep or even a short nap can work wonders for your skin. There is a reason it is called ‘beauty sleep’.

It helps reduce dark circles, replenishes the blood flow to the skin, promotes making of collagen that reduces fine lines, slows down ageing and more. It even reduces the stress hormone which helps in the repairing of skin.


Less Time On Screens

It is so tempting to binge-watch all your favourite shows during this time. If nothing else, boredom drives you to it. However, you must remember that too much time staring at screens can be highly damaging for your skin.

That’s because screens emit blue light. It not only damages your eyes but also your skin. It can cause premature ageing and dark spots. There is also a secondary effect. Too much screen reduces your sleep quality. This, in turn, has an even harsher impact on your skin.

So, make sure you reduce your screen quota during this time. It is best to read physical books, exercise and meditate to make good use of your time. The latter two will also help your skin health.


Don’t Touch Your Face Often

You might have heard doctors say that you shouldn’t touch your face, at least during the present scenario. That’s because it increases your chances of getting sick. While not touching your face will keep you safer from the coronavirus, it will also contribute towards your skin health.

Your hands accumulate all sorts of dirt, oil and bacteria as you go about your day. When you touch your face with those hands, you spread those substances and germs on your face. This can cause clogged pores and acne breakouts.

It might seem a little hard at first, but you will definitely become more mindful of it eventually.


Exfoliate Once A Week

Over time, your skin naturally accumulates dirt and dead skin cells on the topmost layer. This may make your skin look dull and may even become a breeding ground for bacteria. The accumulation can occur even if you are indoors all the time.

Therefore, you should exfoliate your skin at least once a week. It clears your face of dirt and the dead cells. It also cleanses your pores so that your skin can breathe freely. On top of that, it also helps with removing dark patches, acne scars and a smoother texture.


Simplify Your Beauty Regimen

The one thing you can avoid that you were doing earlier is makeup. Consider the current downtime as a vacation for your skin. You no longer have to apply a lot of products on your skin as you will mostly stay indoors.

You can simplify your beauty regimen and keep things as natural as possible. This will allow your skin to heal and result in a huge noticeable difference. In fact, when you come out of this isolation period, you will look more fabulous than ever!